My childhood dream was to become a teacher. I spent my spare time in our family library playing school with my siblings. I was the teacher and they were my students. I had no idea I had any interest in art until high school, where I was greatly inspired by my art teacher. I found talent in myself that I would of never discovered without her. If I didn't have a paint brush in my hand, I had a camera. That's the basic storyline of why I always said I wanted to be an art teacher or photographer. I am still learning and becoming inspired daily as a photographer and entrepreneur. As I got older and became a mother I realized I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my family and continued to pursue my dream as a photographer while also being a stay at home mom. Both jobs are pretty demanding, but I would not change it for the world. Somehow I picked a new hobby up in between editing sessions and making lunches, the sewing machine just called my name. It took a few days to teach myself how to thread the machine but now I also make bows, headbands, and scrunchies! You can check out my Mane Mania website at